Monday, 22 January 2018

Tech Reporter

Use DATA(internet) even when Flight mode is ON..

Use DATA(internet) even when Flight mode is ON..

              We all have busy days we just cant keep everything that's happening for some of us most of the multiple calls and messages are unnecessary and should be ignored. well you can do that by turning on the FLIGHT MODE.
but can You use INTERNET when the FLIGHT MODE IS ON....


In this post you can learn how to use internet even when the Flight mode is ON...

1.Go to setting and then tap on more option.

2.Then click on the 'AIRPLANE MODE'

3.That`s it the 'AIRPLANE MODE' is on and the incoming calls and outgoing calls are not allowed

4.Then open the DIAL PAD

5.Type this number in the DIAL PAD



6.Do nothing just typing this number on the dial pad will open this menu

7.Then select PHONE INFORMATION option
Then a page will open up which shows the details of your phone
like IMEI Number, Phone number, Signal Strength , Data service, Voice service details

8.Click on RUN PING TEST

9.It executes and shows fail(2)

This means that you have no data connection
10.Then select the CELLULAR RADIO POWER option

11.Slide the buttton and turn it ON
12.Then click on the three dots ENABLR DATA CONNECTION.

That`s it now you can use the internet in the AIRPLANE MODE also .

It will also show you the sent and received packets and size of them in Bytes.

For more stay tuned to knowabtspecs.

Hoping this Post helped You a lot.

Tech Reporter

About Tech Reporter -

I'm ABDUL HADI, passionate about knowing information about gadgets and technologies. passionate about modifying(tweaking) gadgets and accessories in REAL LIFE for better use.

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